


Summer 2024 June 4-Week 1 Course 布宜诺斯艾利斯

在布宜诺斯艾利斯学习 可用的会议

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Thanks to the city’s European features and its status as a political, 经济, and cultural epicenter on the South American continent, 布宜诺斯艾利斯是该地区最受欢迎的留学目的地. Course options include subjects like business, 沟通, 社会科学, 和工程, and if you’re interested in developing your Spanish language skills, the semester program also offers electives taught in Spanish, to mesh with your interests. In fall and spring semesters, 你也可以利用提前开始的选择,你将提前两周到达,在你的西班牙语水平上有一个良好的开端. If you’ve ever dreamed of exploring the region’s history, 文化, and politics in an interactive academic setting, then this program is for you.


  • 概述
  • 地点:
  • 布宜诺斯艾利斯
  • 日期:
  • 5/16/24 - 6/15/24
  • 价格:
  • $4,695
  • 学分:
  • 3
  • 最后期限
  • 申请:
  • 关闭
  • 撤销:
  • 3/30/24
  • 应用程序需求
  • 文字记录-非官方
  • 完整的应用程序
  • 网上申请费$95
  • Program Participation Agreement
  • 资格
  • 教育
  • 高中毕业
  • 课程的先决条件:
  • Some courses may have prerequisites.
  • 最低
  • 2.5
  • 外语 Proficiency:
  • 所有级别

CEA CAPA 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Center turns the city into your classroom. Choose courses in liberal arts, 社会科学, 以及国际商务, all taught in English and Spanish, and designed to take advantage of the city’s rich history, 文化, 政治环境. Enjoy courses that best meet your academic, 个人, and career interests as you explore all the city offers. 

当你宝博体育的时候 布宜诺斯艾利斯,你可以选择 CEA CAPA住房 or arrange your own independent 住房. CEA CAPA住房 assignments are based on availability and confirmation date; we make every effort to match your 住房 requests, but we can’t guarantee 住房 preferences. 


Choose a 1- or 2- course option at the CEA CAPA 布宜诺斯艾利斯 Center. 课程 meet for 3 credits/45 contact hours. If you choose the 1-course option, you may earn a total of 3 credits (up to 45 contact hours); if you choose the 2-course option, you may earn up to a total of 6 credits (up to 90 contact hours).

Classes typically meet 2-4 days per week, Monday – Thursday. 一些课程和课程所需的主动学习内容可能会安排在周五.

Prior to departure, you will select your preferred courses. You will be enrolled into courses based on their availability. 在你离开之前,由于课程的可用性,你最好有多个由你的家乡大学批准的替代课程. 请咨询您所在大学的学术顾问,了解学分预批准指南.



所有级别 Course 结构


的 following courses have been confirmed for this term. 请注意, 主办机构保留取消或更改课程的权利,恕不另行通知.



走出去探索! 远足 are offered for most semester, year, and summer programs*. 学期学生通常有两到三次短途旅行,暑期学习学生通常有一到两次短途旅行. You'll receive a calendar of excursions during 取向; here are a few day and overnight excursions we've offered in the past.

Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

A World Heritage Site, Colonia was founded by the Portuguese in 1680. 这个历史悠久的街区仍然保留着拉丁美洲殖民时代的风貌和感觉. 您将从布宜诺斯艾利斯乘坐渡轮穿越普拉特河,探索这座迷人小镇的鹅卵石街道,通往古老的灯塔, 旅馆, 餐厅, and its original bullfighting ring. You’ll also enjoy a traditional lunch during your time in Uruguay.



横跨三个国家, 伊瓜苏瀑布是世界七大自然奇观之一,也是一个受欢迎的目的地. 每年都有成千上万的人前往伊瓜苏瀑布,惊叹于魔鬼大瀑布, a U-shaped cascade that is 269 feet tall and almost 2,300英尺长. 您将享受一夜的旅行和伊瓜苏国家公园的全天游览.



参加一场马球比赛,了解阿根廷最受欢迎的运动之一. 你将有机会坐在体育场里,和球迷一起为他们最喜欢的球队(优雅地)欢呼. 此行程的可用性取决于马球比赛的时间表和地点.



One of the world’s largest deltas, 这个受欢迎的河边度假胜地就在布宜诺斯艾利斯北部,是一个远离繁华城市的好地方. Indulge in a traditional lunch, 在渡轮上放松一下, 在Puerto de Frutos露天市场浏览当地工匠的手工工艺品.



这个预算包含了你可以带到你的经济援助办公室的费用. 请注意 that amounts may fluctuate; we’ve included a range of costs.

联邦法律允许使用经济援助来支付留学的“合理”费用,包括往返交通费用, tuition and fees for the program, 生活成本, 护照和签证费, 健康保险, 和更多的.

请注意,以下列出的所有费用和收费如有更改,恕不另行通知. 除项目价格外,所有费用均为预估费用,可能会有所不同.



Below is a tentative itinerary for your program. 请注意,以下日期及活动如有更改,恕不另行通知. 联系 CEA CAPA before purchasing airline tickets.

You will receive a finalized itinerary once you arrive onsite.

注:额外的文化活动/短途旅行或必修课程相关的活动可能会纳入您的最终行程. 在确定最后日期之前,建议不要安排个人旅行.


Receive a $1,000 飞行信贷 when you apply by September 12, 2024

Get your flight credit code and access to 存折 in two easy steps. 与存折, you can track your favorite programs and courses, 保存航班积分, and watch videos on the destination you're interested in.


步骤1 / 2

2 / 2步骤

*By providing your mobile number, 您同意定期收到来自CEA CAPA 教育 Abroad的短信,通知您重要的课程截止日期. Message and data rates may apply.

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